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Ask your MP to support the government’s review into the harms of pornography

Under current laws, the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) is responsible for assessing video content and giving it appropriate age ratings (e.g. ‘U’ or ‘15’). If content is very harmful or abusive, it is assessed as unsuitable for classification, and becomes illegal to own or share.  

This would include pornographic material that depicts and/or promotes sexual abuse or violence, or is assessed to be harmful to the viewer.  

However, the internet is full of content like this, because the BBFC’s classification guidelines don’t apply online – they only apply offline, to DVDs and Blu-ray.  

The last government commissioned a review into the harms of pornography, which means there is an opportunity to close this loophole. 

If you believe that this situation needs to change, please email your MP and ask them to support the pornography review, and to do whatever they can to make sure that harmful content is regulated the same way online, as it is offline.